· 3 min read

GameAnalytics Now Available for HTML5/Javascript Games

With our latest update, you can now use GameAnalytics to get real-time player insights for HTML5/JavaScript browser games or game engines.

Now you can build amazing games across web, desktop and mobile in the language you know and love and track player behavior across all environments in one place. Javascript is a powerful and flexible programming language. We’re pretty excited about this new SDK, and we hope you are too! ?

Many games start their life on the web. Whether it be a quick deployment to Facebook or a dedicated refinement on gaming portals such as Kongregate or Miniclip, it’s now easy for you to compare how differently your players behave across all of the different platforms they might play on – in one interface. In the future you will even be able to compare and run analysis across games, giving a holistic view of your game service and players, no matter where they are.

Download the Javascript SDK

You can find the full GameAnalytics SDK for Javascript on GitHub here. The documentation outlines the key steps for setting up the SDK and the best practices for configuring it with your game, including how to add custom events and dimensions, reporting on demographics and debugging the implementation.

Getting started:

In order to integrate your Javascript game with GameAnalytics we would recommend that you start with the following 3 links:

  1. GameAnalytics SDK for Javascript
  2. Full documentation for the SDK
  3. Study the sample application

About the Javascript SDK

Our SDK is totally open source and written in Typescript. Typescript builds upon the same syntax and semantics already in use by Javascript developers. It’s essentially a superset of Javascript of the language which compiles to plain Javascript. The integration is lightweight with a release size of 60Kb (with logging included) and 48Kb (without logging).

Note: Despite the common use of the term “HTML5 applications”, this is actually a bit of a misnomer. HTML5 is not a programming language, but simply provides APIs for Javascript libraries, such as WebGL, Canvas or WebAudio. Javascript is the language doing all of the heavy lifting and providing the essential functionality for games, such as psychics and graphics rendering.

Javascript game engines

There are a wide variety of engines available for creating Javascript/HTML5 games, and the number is continually growing. You can find a comprehensive list of Javascript game engines here on Github. Some of the most popular engines are:

In addition, both Unity 5 and Unreal Engine 4 offer different methods to export to HTML5. Using one – or a combination of – these engines and frameworks can speed up the game development process significantly.

Slither.io – Built with Javascript
TagPro – Built with Javascript

Why GameAnalytics?

For those of you new to GameAnalytics, our platform offers the following:

  • A platform built specifically for games
  • Quick and easy integration
  • Compatible with all major game engines
  • Real-time player data
  • Clear snapshots of game health
  • Beautifully visualized dashboards
  • Customisable reports
  • Consolidated analytics

In addition, you’re able to  benchmark your game’s core KPIs against thousands of titles of a similar genre. Sign up to GameAnalytics today to get rich insights into player behaviour. ?